Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Will I be any good at this?

I'm new to the blogging world. While I've followed my teacher and friend, Heather Transue, at {twenty}something, I never thought I would be a blogger myself. Hopefully I'll catch on to it as fast as she did. Now I can't promise that my posts will be consistant or my writing will always have correct grammer, but I do promise that, when I post, I won't miss a detail!

Here goes nothing...


  1. I find it so appropriate that I am leaving you your 1st comment. Your 1st post actually sounds just like my 1st post. You will become addicted to blogging and will love releasing the urge to write. You will think that no one is reading your words, but they are and they will think you are wonderful! I can't wait to help you along the way. Enjoy :)

  2. It is more than appropriate! I really hope I can become as good of a blogger as you. Thank you for all your help today and I know I'll have so many more questions!
    Thanks :)
